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MAXQDA - Professional Software for Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research
Software for Qualitative and Mixed Methods Analysis
MAXQDA is our world leading software for qualitative and mixed methods software. It is available as the standard version MAXQDA or the extended version MAXQDAplus, which includes an added quantitative text analysis module.
MAXQDA – Mixed Methods and QDA Software for Windows & Mac OS X
MAXQDA is a professional software for qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. The software is available as a universal app for Windows and Mac OS X and can help you analyze all kinds of unstructured data like interviews, articles, media, surveys, twitter, and more.
Released in 1989 MAXQDA has a long history of providing researchers with powerful, innovative and easy to use analytical tools that help make a research project successful.
Organize and Categorize your Data
Use MAXQDA to manage your whole research projects. Import data from interviews, focus groups, online surveys, web pages, images, audio and video files, spreadsheets, bibliographical data and even twitter tweets easily.
Organize your material in groups, link relevant quotes to each other, and share and compare work with other members of your team. Your project is always flexible and your code system can be expanded or refined, just like your research
Code and Retrieve
Mark important information in your data with different codes by using regular codes, colors, symbols, or emoticons. Code quickly via drag & drop or with automatic coding for search words and organize your thoughts and theories in memos, that can be stuck to any element of your project. Retrieve coded segments quickly and efficiently with just one click, or make use of powerful search tools to test and develop new theories.
The Mixed Methods Expert – Integrate demographics
Integrate quantitative methods or data deeply into your project. Link qualitative data to demographic variables, quantify the results of your qualitative analysis or calculate statistical frequencies. The advanced version MAXQDA plus additionaly includes the add-on module MAXDictio, which adds quantitative text analysis functionality to MAXQDA, so you can easily analyze vocabulary or text content. Learn more…